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VOD(KOR-ENG)Dr. Oh no-kyun Gets Elected as the First Chairman of International Martial Arts Olympiad
국제무예올림피아드(IMAO),창립총회 및 초대 이사장으로 오노균 박사 선출
기사입력: 2019/07/05 [01:14] ⓒ wtu
▲     © Chairman Dr. Oh no-kyun of IMAO is delivering a speech (WTU)

Dr. Oh no-kyun Gets Elected as the First Chairman of International Martial Arts Olympiad

Contribution to Harmony and Peace of World People Based on Mutual Understanding Through Martial Arts.


In foundation of International Martial Arts Olympiad (IMAO), Dr. Oh no-kyun (64,Visiting professor at Chungbuk National University) got elected as the first chairman.


On July 3, 11:AM, guests such as attorney Hongkyu Yang (Former deputy mayor of Daejeon-si), president Byeongjun Park (Head of Council for Social Group, Boeun-gun), professor Taeho Choi of Joongbu University, and Munsuk Lee (Head of Kukkiwon Gyokpa (Smash) Division), organizers such as professor Yeonwoo Im (Visiting professor at Chungbuk National University), and 50 members gathered in seminar room located in Malti Pass, Songnisan Mountain National Park. In the meeting, Nogyun Oh was elected as the first chairman unanimously. Also, the inaugural assembly decided to leave matters such as executive appointment and article revision to the chairman.


Dr. Oh no-kyun who got elected as the first chairman of IMAO said “I would like to restore the traditional martial arts around the world based on Taekwondo and spread the value of traditional martial arts and ethnic identity systematically”. He also added that “I believe that mutual understanding through martial arts would contribute on harmony and peace of the world people”.


Also, Oh commented that “As you can see from the word ‘Olympiad’, this is the part of martial arts talent training program for giving hopes and courage to promising children around the world. I also deliver my sincere gratitude for colleagues and students who have been supporting until this inaugural assembly”.  


Before the event, IMAO’s legal advisor and attorney Hongkyu Yang received Kukkiwon Honorary 4-dan Certificate. Also, the governor Myeongsu Lee gave citations to men of national merit in celebrating the 6th anniversary of The East Asian Taekwondo Union.


After the inaugural assembly, the participants looked around the Hanok Village created in the middle of Malti Pass where foreign athletes and executives will be staying at 2nd Boeun International Martial Arts Olympiad event period scheduled on October 11 to October 14.


▲     © People related to International Martial Arts Olympiad are taking a group photo together {WTU)

사단법인 국제무예올림피아드(IMAO)가 창립돼 초대이사장으로 오노균(64,충북대 객원교수)박사가 선출됐다.

3일 11시 국립공원 속리산 말티고개에 위치한 세미나실에서 양홍규 변호사(前 대전시 정무부시장), 박병준 회장(보은군 사회단체협의회장), 최태호 중부대교수, 이문석 국기원격파분과위원장 등 외빈과 임연우 충북대객원교수를 비롯한 발기인 및 회원 50여명이 참석한 가운데 만장일치로 선출되었다. 또 이날 창립총회는 임원선임 및 정관개정 등 일체를 이사장에게 일임하기로 의결했다.

오노균 IMAO 이사장은 “국기인 태권도를 근간으로 세계 각국의 전통무예를 복원, 전통무예의 가치와 민족의 정체성을 심어주는 일을 체계적으로 하고 싶었다”면서 “나아가 무예를 통한 상호이해로 세계인의 화합과 평화에 기여하리라고 본다”고 말했다.

그는 이어서 “올림피아라는 말에서 알 수 있듯이 세계 각국의 미래꿈나무들에게 희망과 용기를 주는 무예영재교육프로그램의 일환이다”며 “창립대회에 이르기까지 함께 해준 선배, 동료, 제자들에게 감사드린다”고 인사했다.

행사 전 IMAO 법률고문인 양홍규 변호사에 대한 국기원 명예4단증 수여식과 동아시아태권도연맹 창립 6주년을 맞이하여 이명수 총재의 유공자 표창이 있었다.

창립총회를 마친 후 10월 11일~14일 개최되는 제2회 보은국제무예올림피아드 행사기간 중 외국선수 및 임원 등이 숙박할 말티고개 중간쯤에 조성된 한옥마을을 둘러보았다.

송인웅 대기자
                World Taekwondo United News (WTU-news 세계태권도연합뉴스)


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