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World Taekwondo(WT) mourns passing of Vice President Gen. Ahmed Fouly
기사입력: 2020/09/28 [14:08] ⓒ wtu

  © Gen.Ahmed Fouly(1949-2020) (WTU)

World Taekwondo is deeply saddened to learn that World Taekwondo Vice President Gen.Ahmed Fouly passed away yesterday.


Gen. Fouly(1949-2020) had been receiving hospital treatment following a heart attack in August but his condition very sadly deteriorated and he will be greatly missed by the global taekwondo family.


World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue said:
“Today we lost a great man of Taekwondo. Since 2001 when he became a member of the WT Council, and especially since 2004 when I appointed him as vice president of World Taekwondo, Gen. Fouly dedicated his life to elevating our beloved martial art and sport to what we are today – one of the best governed Olympic and Paralympic international sport federations in the world.


“In his capacity as president of Taekwondo Africa, Gen. Fouly oversaw the meteoric rise of Taekwondo in the region. Five medals from Africa under his leadership at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games truly demonstrated the universality of Taekwondo to the world. Taekwondo is now one of the most popular sports in Africa, and continue to produce champions on and off the mat.


“But perhaps more importantly, for those of us who know Gen. Fouly personally, we have lost a great friend and brother. Throughout my presidency and especially in my personal life, Gen. Fouly was one of the most trusted, trustworthy, and supportive friends that anyone could have had. I was truly blessed to have met Gen. Fouly and to have called him my brother.


“Our brother may be gone, but his contributions to Taekwondo will never be forgotten. My memories of Gen. Fouly and love for him as my brother will never be forgotten.”

As well as serving as World Taekwondo Vice President, Gen. Fouly had contributed to those less fortunate through his support of the Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation (THF) and also served as Chairman of the World Taekwondo Hall of Fame Committee.


Gen. Fouly will be greatly missed but his legacy will live on and continue to benefit generations of taekwondo athletes in Africa and beyond. World Taekwondo’s thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time.



  © WTU




World Taekwondo United News(WTU-news. 세계태권도연합뉴스)


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