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WT, Council revises Statutes to meet highest international governance standards...The way for President CHUNGWON CHOUE, who has been in power for 17 y
WT, 화상 회의로 임시 집행위원회를 개최 규약을 대폭 개정...17년 장기집권중인 조정원 총재는 앞으로도 두번 더 출마할 수 있는 토대 마련
기사입력: 2021/04/28 [15:41] ⓒ wtu

  © WTU

The World Taekwondo Council today approved the revision of its Statutes during its Extraordinary meeting as part of its commitment to upholding the very highest standards of good governance.

This paved the way for President Cho Jung-won. Chungwon Choue, who has been in power for 17 years, to run twice in the future.


The revised Statutes were developed based on a review of ASOIF-survey indicators and ASOIF recommended best practices as well as engagement of WT’s Juridical Committee and Integrity Committee. As a result of this process, World Taekwondo recommended key changes to term limits, age limits, gender balance targets, Council structure, and IP guidance.


  © World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue (WTU)

World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue said: “We have conducted a comprehensive review of our Statutes to meet the highest global standards of good governance in sports. The proposed changes to the Statutes, which we have approved today, are critical in supporting our efforts to ensure that World Taekwondo becomes one of the most sustainable and innovative International Federations (IFs). Today, we gave a clear signal that we want to proactively change and be a model IF for others to follow, instead of following others.”

The Council approved the following amendments:


   ● Term limits
        ○ Elected officials will only be able to serve a maximum of three consecutive terms in any role before a break of at least
            four years.
        ○ Elected officials can also only accumulatively serve a maximum of three terms in any one role.
        ** The existing term of the incumbents do not apply retroactively when it comes to term limits


    ● Age limits
        ○ For new candidates to apply for elected positions they must be less than 70 years old on the day of the election.
        ○ For current sitting members they must be less than 80 years old on the day of the election.

   ● Gender balance
        ○ As part of World Taekwondo’s commitment to supporting active participation of women at all levels of taekwondo,
            the federation will seek to achieve gender equal representation within its Council, Commissions and Committees by 2029.

    ● Council Structure
        ○ The total number of Council members will remain the same at 37. However, the number of appointed members will be
            reduced and the number of elected officials will be increased by four. In doing so, World Taekwondo will strengthen
            democracy and improve gender balance.
        ○ At least one elected Council member per continent will be female. The female with the highest number of votes will be
            elevated to the position of Vice President.

    ● Continental Unions
        ○ To mirror World Taekwondo, a minimum of two-thirds of the Continental Union Council members should be elected by
            their General Assembly.
        ○ Model Statutes will be provided to Continental Unions by World Taekwondo with the Continental Unions obliged to
            adopt the Statutes at the latest by 9 July to apply new rules to the upcoming October election.
    ● Intellectual Property
        ○ World Taekwondo will issue new guidance on the use of its name and logo to its members.


The revised rules will be submitted for approval by the General Assembly via an electronic vote. Pending their approval, they will be applied at the President and Council elections to be held on October 11, 2021, the day before the opening ceremony of the Wuxi 2021 World Taekwondo Championships in China.


An ad-hoc Election Committee for the elections has been formed and will be chaired by Vice President Ms. Aicha Garad Ali. Prof. Jean-Marie Ayer, chair of the Member Relations and Development Committee, and Prof. Jung Heon Kim, chair of the Poomsae Committee, will also serve on the Committee.


The election guidelines will be distributed by no later than 11 May and the deadline for receiving candidatures will be 11 July. The elections will go ahead virtually if the pandemic worsens.

During the Council meeting, there was also a progress report on Wuxi 2021, with preparations advancing very well.


A minute silence was held to pay respects to Gen. Fouly and Milan Kwee.


The next Council meeting will take place on 17 June.

17년 장기집권중인 조정원 총재는 앞으로도 두번 더 출마할 수 있는 토대를 만들었다.


앞으로 세계태권도연맹(WT) 총재 선거 출마 자격이 70세 미만으로 제한된다. 현재 재임 중인 집행위원들은 80세 이전까지 도전할 수 있다.

WT는 20일 화상 회의로 임시 집행위원회를 열고 규약을 대폭 개정했다. 

단 오는 5월중 회원국의 이메일 투표를 통해 가결이 되어야 한다.


우선 투명성, 신뢰성, 민주성, 스포츠 개발 및 협력, 컨트롤 메커니즘 강화 등 하계올림픽종목국제연맹연합(ASOIF)의 거버넌스 평가 기준 지표에 맞춰 집행위원의 임기 및 나이 제한을 도입했다.

총재, 부총재를 포함한 신규 집행위원은 선거일 기준 만 70세 이전이어야 출마가 가능하다.


현재 재임 중인 집행위원들은 80세 이전까지만 도전할 수 있다.

또한 임기 4년의 동일 직책에서는 3번까지만 선출될 수 있도록 했다. 한 직책에서 연속 3번 선출된 경우 다른 직책 후보로 나서려면 반드시 4년을 쉬어야 한다. 재임 집행위원들의 기존 임기는 소급 적용되지 않는다.

이로써 2004년부터 17년째 잔기 집권중인 조정원(74) 총재는 2021, 2025년 두 차례만 더 총재직에 출마할 수 있다.


WT는 임명직 집행위원의 숫자는 줄이는 한편 선출직 집행위원의 수는 늘리기로 했다.

여성 집행위원 수를 의무화해 성별 균형 원칙도 제도화했다.

집행위원 숫자는 기존과 동일하게 최대 37명이지만 선출직과 여성 위원 숫자를 늘려 선출직 비율은 70% 이상, 여성 비율은 35%까지 확대된다.

특히, 대륙별로 여성 집행위원이 의무적으로 한 명씩 선출되도록 했다. 이 중 가장 많이 득표한 여성 집행위원은 부총재로 승격된다.

개정된 규약은 전자투표를 통해 총회의 승인을 받은 후 올해 중국 우시 세계태권도선수권대회 개막식 하루 전날인 10월 11일 실시하는 총재 및 집행위원 선거에서 적용할 예정이다.


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